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The Choice of Laser Goggles

The Choice of Laser Goggles

Five selection elements:

1. Laser parameters and conditions of use

Consult the laser manufacturer for laser protection requirements.

Calculate OD and power density requirements, based on wavelength, power (for pulsed lasers, you need to know wavelength, energy, pulse width, repetition frequency), use laser safety software to calculate, such as Lazan, LaserSafePC, Easy Haz or LIA's LaserHazard Evaluator Software.


To consider: Are there engineering control limitations on laser exposure? When aligning visible beams, is it required that part of the beam be visible? Does indirect beam exposure require protection, or is the primary protection against diffuse or scattered energy? For medical applications, do doctors and patients need to consider different protective eyewear (for visible light transmission (VLT), full eye coverage, weight, etc.)? Does filter color/color reproduction affect usage? Are there multiple laser systems in use, or are the safety goggles designed for a single laser?

For the above, you need to ask the manufacturer of laser safety goggles.

2.The filter OD value, damage threshold, visible light transmittance (VLT) and other requirements.

The filter needs to be guaranteed to reduce the energy below the maximum permissible exposure (MPE) value.

Check the visible light transmittance (VLT) of the filter. VLT is the percentage of visible light transmitted through the filter, compared to the eye's spectral sensitivity to sunlight. The higher the VLT, the better. VLT is less than 20% and should only be used in very high light conditions.

Consider absorption or interference filters. The absorption filter material is polymer + dye or glass, and its function is to absorb laser energy. Interference filters use a thin layer of reflective material to provide protection. Or mix the two techniques.

Lightweight polymer filters with variable visible light transmittance, medium level laser damage thresholds for UV, visible and near infrared, and low level laser damage thresholds for infrared. Polymer filters are cost-effective, easy to wear and have the highest impact resistance.

Glass filters, which are heavier in weight, have higher visible light transmittance, have higher laser damage threshold at higher exposure, are coated with dielectric film, and have the highest visible light transmittance and highest damage threshold at the same time ( Some energy is not absorbed but reflected), and the price is higher.

3. Frames: Styles and Wearing Modes

Frame selection requirements:

Comfort: If the protective glasses are uncomfortable, the user will not want to use them.

Beautiful appearance: Users can choose protective glasses with beautiful styles.

Many MCWlaser frames are designed to be worn with prescription myopia glasses, and some are universal, with or without prescription glasses.

You need to make sure that the frame you choose fits your face when you wear it, and there are no gaps. Models with edge protection increase ambient light for ease of use.

Polymer filters fit most frames and generally have the largest field of view and full angle coverage.

4.suitable: adjustability, comfort, beauty

If the protective goggles can be adjusted, the wearing comfort will be stronger.

5. Elements: Additional Considerations

Eye protection is only available when worn, if not in use, there is no protection.

If the goggles are too heavy, very mismatched, poorly designed, or have too low visible light transmittance, the user will not wear goggles.

Technical data of the filter, including batch data, absorption characteristics, test reports, CE certificates, conformity documents.

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